Editing Services
Let’s face it. Copy editing sucks. Going line by line and making sure grammar, spelling, and formatting are correct is a total slog—but, that’s why I’m here. For my day job, I work as a college administrator where my team and I devise new ways to help students have clean and clear papers to submit for their assignments. For this service, I will go line by line and get your short story, MS, or query letter grammatically accurate and professionally polished--all ready for the praise it deserves. This is the final step before submission/publication, so I do recommend saving this service until the very end of your artistic journey. I follow the industry standard of 0.04 cents per word. An evaluation letter is something I can provide for 200.00 but it is not part of what I generally offer with this service because the book is done!
Query Letter and Synopsis
Have you included everything you need to? Is it long enough? Short enough? Is there a typo in the letter you just sent to 50 agents? On your quest to find your book home, I’m here to be your support and help you get everything ready. This service starts at 50.00 + 0.03 cents per word. We can go back and forth with edits until YOU feel confident.